Thursday, May 19, 2011

1/2 Yoga Teacher

Yesterday, I presented Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose – Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana.  I can always remember the last word because it starts with Jan-u and it reminds me of my cousin Jenn.  At some point growing up she was nicknamed Jan-u.  It was so fun to say and gave me comfort like she was here :) 

My homework from the last posture was to add distractions and corrections.  I’m not remembering our teachers name from Montreal but he was great!  As I was delivering the posture, he was walking around me, yelling at me to turn down the heat, yelling something else maybe check the mail, and turn up the fans Kara it’s too hot in here!  He was the exact role of a bad distracting student.  I even pushed him out of the way at one point!  It was hilarious!  My feedback - I stayed exactly on track, perfect dialogue, didn’t let him bother me, good job.  My next homework is to add more distractions and actually make corrections.  I didn’t make any corrections this time because everyone was doing the posture perfectly, so it threw me off a bit.  I thought about just saying one for fun but it just didn’t happen.  Next time – Toe and Tree Pose both have a lot of opportunities for corrections! 

Today we also saw Ife’s (sorry Ife, I incorrectly spelt your name Efay a few posts back, I’ll fix it!) dancing Separate Leg Posture!  His homework was to have fun so they made him dance while delivering the posture!  I was demonstrating right in front of him and could not keep serious.  It was so good!  Group 18 will never forget this outstanding performance – exhale

I also got to play the role of bad student a few times and boy did I have fun with it :) No one wanted to do it at first can you believe that?  During Dayle’s dialogue, I walked around and right up to Chris one of the demonstrators and starting having a conversation with him.  She didn’t flinch!  I completely did the wrong posture for Darlene (Triangle instead of Separate Leg!) to see what she would do.  She handled it perfectly!  For Lucie, I walked into the class late and setup right up front in her way and flopped into the posture.  She rocked it!  

Each posture and each day we keep getting pushed, and pushed, and pushed and pushed to do something different, harder, maybe outside of each one of our comfort zones.  Ultimately, we will all be the strongest versions of ourselves, and the strongest teachers possible.  I’m so grateful to be here and so happy to be 1/2 Yoga Teacher at the halfway point.  I don’t want to leave, but I can’t wait to come home and teach my friends at Bikram Yoga Manchester, my new friends at Bikram Yoga Upper Valley, and where ever else I may land.  Italy?  I better start learning the language :) 
My letters this week came from Aunt Sue and Uncle Bob, Mrs. Allard, Claire Hatzis, Debbie Young, Linda Peters, and Annie Sakellar!  Thank you all so very much!!  I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family in my life.  Thank you.  The very first thing I do in the morning is reach for my next letter on my night stand – which is actually a hotel chair :) I usually have to go back and re-read it after class since my eyes hardly work with no sleep.  We’ve had a lot of 1 am and 2 am nights this week.  We sign in for 8:00 am and I drag myself up at 7:40 am.  Wake up, letter, bathroom, poke contacts in, drink water, eat a granola bar, throw on yoga cloths, grab mat, water, and go!  All in ten minutes or less!  :)  Anyway, it’s always such a pleasant surprise and brings me such joy.  Thank you!  :)

This afternoon we have lecture with Emmy, our evening class at 5, and then it will be announced after class what the evening plan is.  I’m prepared either way for posture clinic or lecture.  Oh I almost forgot – last night’s class we had Lisa from Texas!  She was awesome!  So much good energy, she killed us, but was kind at the same time – exactly what we all needed :)
Bliss is a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.

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