Thursday, May 12, 2011

Best Day Ever

John Salvatore taught our morning class and he is my new favorite!  He lives in New York City but is currently starring in the lead role in Jersey Boys in Vegas!  He does something like 8 shows over the weekend and beginning of the week and Wednesday is his only day off.  He finished a show last night and flew over for the day and back tonight!  Best class!  He made me realize that for me to get through morning class, I need an energetic / entertaining teacher.  Something for me to keep in mind when I’m teaching, but not every student is the same.  Anyway, what a great role model…here he is doing two things he loves and is passionate about – Broadway and Bikram Yoga :)  Connecticut family, when he is back in NYC we have to go!

Posture Clinic – so I did my homework on learning how to be a bitch.  I actually cried a little last night during class trying to figure out how to do this.  Good thing is, you're so sweaty it just blends in.  Lots of yogis have little and big breakdowns out here given how extreme it is.  I just put so much pressure on myself - I have to let go of some of my inner perfectionist. 

Anyway, I was totally different delivering my posture this afternoon.  It was hard for me to be that extreme but I’m happy I did it and know that I can do it.  Val from Pasadena was our lead teacher and she really had great feedback for everyone.  I enjoyed learning from her.  She said I did well my homework but keep going.  Come on!  Really!  I didn’t smile not once – okay once – at the very last line because it’s so fun to say!  Then, people were getting up and smiling, commanding, comfortable and having fun, my typical style and she was applauding them.  What gives?  Most of my side feedback from the group was – go back to you, it wasn’t you and it was like a piece of you died – you didn’t light up the room like you always do and that’s what we look forward to – but one student liked that side of me.  So I will work to find a balance, and that will include a smile or two damn it :)
At the same time as posture clinic, my Mom and Aunt Phyllis went to yoga back home!  They have each gone just a handful of times but that’s the first time EVER they’ve gone together.  I wished I was there but Eileen makes a perfect fill in :)  Laura taught class and obviously they loved it.  They even took pictures to prove to me that they went – hah!  Mom, Philomena, you both need the yoga so keep going.  Trust it. 

Then tonight – It’s Norm’s Birthday!  I mentioned earlier, Norm and Louise are visiting from our Nashua Studio back home.  They so kindly brought Becca, Brandi, Adam, and me out for dinner, the NH crew.  It was the best treat!  Thank you so much for being so generous!  We all agreed that spending time with you re-energized us for the next week at least.  I forget what it’s like to leave the hotel sometimes.  It’s so much – class – shower – eat – clinic – class – shower – eat – lecture – then it’s past midnight and time to quick study and bed.  Also – Norm asked if we’d all like to teach a class in Nashua our first week back.  YES!  Monday night will be Becca, Tuesday night will be my smiling happy face, and Wednesday will be Brandi.  Adam is likely staying out here so no Adam class just yet.  I can’t wait!  :) Thank you both for being so supportive, it means so much :)  

THEN!  This morning Maeghan reached out to see if I’d be interested in teaching at her new studio in Upper Valley!  YES again!  What a great day!  I came out here with no guarantees for work (if you want to call it that) for when I get back like the most of us.  So far, I have a few classes to teach in Manchester and now Upper Valley.  I can remember Maeghan telling me ‘it always works out’ way earlier on when I was panicked about no set schedule.  Now it is.  Everything is falling into place.  :) 

Boss is back tomorrow so we’re all mentally preparing for super late nights again.  Time to sleep while I can get a full six hours in!  :)

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